guide to italy

École d'italien à Montréal

Guide to Italy

Explore Italy!

Here you will find information and curiosities about Italy, this beautiful country.
If you like the Italian language, this will be the perfect complement for you to help you discover several aspects of the "Bel Paese”.

As this page will be updated regularly, we encourage you to consult it often, so as to not miss the latest articles about Italy.
You will also find articles in Italian, useful for your practice!

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École d'italien Ahuntsic

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Italian courses in Montreal

Italian courses in Montreal given, in small groups. The courses of Italian are given by native Italian teachers coming directly from Italy. The Italian courses are mainly focused on conversation. Following our Italian courses in Montreal will give you the opportunity to travel through the Italian language, culture and Italian style of life. Italian translation services also available. Teachers of Italian certified by the Italian University.

The school of Italian in a few words:

School of Italian, courses of Italian in Montreal, Italian school, private Italian lessons, group Italian lessons, school Italian Montreal, Italian language, professional Italian lessons, corporative Italian lessons, teacher of Italian, Italian translation services

School of Italian in Montreal

Course of Italian close to: Montreal, Laval, Rive Sud, Brossard, Boucherville, La Salle, Saint-Leonard, Anjou, Longueuil, Repentigny !

Copyright School of italian GIOVANNI PASCOLI